Bristol Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)

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You may never have liked the shape of your nose or it may have been altered by injury. Either way, nose reshaping (rhinoplasty) can help to improve the appearance of your nose.

Everyone's nose is different, and any reshaping procedure needs to take into account not just your nose, but the shape of your face that it is part of. As the starting point is different, no two noses ever look the same post operatively. It is important, therefore, to be able to communicate clearly with your surgeon, so that he understands your wishes, and you understand what he feels is obtainable.
Most rhinoplasties consist of altering the height of the nose (the "hump"), along with refinement of the tip. Where this is straight forward it is done through incisions hidden inside the nose. If a more complex procedure is anticipated, particularly if you have had previous surgery, or where work needs to be done on the central wall of the nose (the septum), it may be necessary to make a small cut across the central strut of the nose (the collumella), resulting in small external scar (open rhinoplasty).

Potential complications:
  • infection
  • bleeding
  • altered sensation (especially tip)
  • under/over correction
  • irregularity
  • need for minor revision

BAAPS Rhinoplasty Information

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01454 777017