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One of the signs of the aging face is the development of jowls, and excess skin in the neck. These are addressed surgically by way of a facelift and necklift.

Facelift and necklift involve essentially the same skin incisions with the surgery beneath differing in extent. Contrary to its formal name (rhytidectomy, which means excision of wrinkles), facelifting is not primarily an operation to tighten the skin, rather it is an operation to reposition and lift the underlying fat and muscle to a more youthful and attractive position. If the skin is overtightened it may lead to an unnatural stretched appearance.
Similarly necklift tightens the underlying muscle "sling" of the neck, and may be combined with removal of the fat which commonly accumulates beneath the chin.

Potential complications:
  • haematoma
  • bruising/swelling
  • visible scarring/ hypertrophic scarring
  • asymmetry
  • nerve injury

BAAPS Facelift Information

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